Bible Resources

A collection of resources available for study and enrichment.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

- Romans 15:4


Our mission at the West Virginia School of Preaching is to save souls by training men to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:2)

Topical Bible Studies

What is the cost of the truth? The truth is offered for free, but it costs much. It costs personal comfort. It costs convenience. It costs reputation. Whatever the cost, if it is God's truth, it is worth it.
Will you join us in the joy and struggle of always being in pursuit of God's truth?

Bible Call

Bible Call is a public service religious information library consisting of hundreds of five- minute recorded messages on a wide variety of Bible Subjects.

Apologetics Press

Apologetics Press is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to the defense of New Testament Christianity

In Search of the Lord's Way

Search’s ministry remains dedicated to its five-fold purpose: to take the Way of salvation to thousands who live right among us; to light a candle in the darkness of immorality; to resist the materialism and humanism that is choking the faith and spirituality out of so many people; to restore credibility to the religion of Christ that has been diminished in many religious programs; to tell your friends that the church of Christ is not dead, but that it is very much alive and that we care.

House To House Heart To Heart

1st Century Teaching.
 21st Century Delivery.

from our library to your’s


World Video Bible School

We are committed to producing and distributing excellent quality, scripturally sound, inexpensively priced Bible study material through video, audio and the written page.



Our goal is to help those seeking the truth among distorted Biblical teachings. We want to reach every soul with the truth of the Gospel and then to support them on their path to salvation. We offer free radio, live stream videos, Bible correspondence courses, audio podcasts and daily devotional resources to all viewers.

Christian Courier

THE CHRISTIAN COURIER will be a righteous force for and among the people of God. Its sole object is to seek the truth, acknowledging no other standard of religious faith or works other than the Old and New Testaments—the latter being the only standard of the religion of Jesus Christ

Truth For the World

We are a global evangelism work utilizing media ministries (TV, Radio, Publications, and Internet) and education ministries (Bible Correspondence Courses, Truth For The World Bible College, and mission trips).  We are overseen by the elders of the Bethel Springs Church of Christ in Bethel Springs, Tennessee.

Searching For Truth

This program was written and hosted by John Moore and is intended for use by Christians to aid in their responsibility to spread the Gospel and teach the lost. This product can be used with a friend, relative, co-worker, neighbor, visitors and/or anyone who can understand the material.

Being Saved

In this study, Don Blackwell opens the Bible and shares with us God’s answer to this question. It is a simple, straight-forward study done in a kind and loving manner.

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